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Normal- membrane
- amnion
- artificial space
- chorion
- decidua
- cord
- 2 arteries
- 1 vein
- +/- vestigial remnants
- stroma
- extra vessels may just be single convoluted vessel
- parenchyma
- villi
- trophoblast
- mesenchyme
- fetal vessels
- lacuna
- fetal surface
- has big umbilical vessels
- maternal surface
Ddx by clinical- twins
- __chorionic / __amnionic
- dichorionic = 2 placentas
- diamnionic = there's a dividing amnionic membrane on placenta
- combinations
- di/di: 2 placentas
- mono/di: has dividing membrane
- mono/mono
- conjoined twins
- abruption
- retroplacental hematoma
- located centrally, causing depression
- diabetes
- gastroschisis
- decidual vasculopathy
- chronic abruption
- large chorangioma
- fetal thrombotic vasculopathy
- infarcts
- intervillositis
- oligohydramnios
- preeclampsia
- preterm labor
Ddx by location- Membrane
- Cord
- funisitis
- number of vessels
- remnants
- allantoic remnant
- omphalomesenteric remnant
- other
- meconium induced necrosis
- warton jelly ulcer
- vascular
- thrombus
- hematoma
- hemangioma
- aneurysm
- discordant arteries
- mechanical
- knots
- strictures
- torsion
- velamentous insertion
- parenchyma
- GTDs
- villitis
- toxoplasma
- other
- syphilis
- varicella
- parvovirus
- rubella
- herpes
- listeria
- candida
- other
- intervillositis
- chronic histiocytic intervillositis
- vascular
- chorangiosis
- chorangiomatosis
- infarct
- maternal floor infarct
- early = collpased intervillous space, perivillous fibrin
- late = ghost outlines
- massive perivillous fibrin deposition mimicks infarct
- obstruction
- fibrotic avascular villi
- stem vessel thrombus
- intimal fibrin cushion
- hematoma
- stromal hemorrhage
- laminated fibrin and blood
- locations
- retroplacental
- marginal
- intraplacental
- subchorial
- subamnionic
- vasculitis
- mesenchymal dysplasia
- large stem villi
- abundant cystic stroma
- focally degenerate thick muscular vessels
- maturity
- rares: hepatic adenoma, metastasis (breast, melanoma)
Ddx by stains- cytokeratin and HSD3B1
- p63
- positive in ETT, PSN
- negative in EPS, PSTT
- hPL
- strongly positive in EPS, PSTT
- +/- in ETT, PSN
- hCG
- positive in choriocarcinoma syncytial trophoblasts
- cyclin E
- positive in ETT
- negative in PSN
- Ki67
- positive in PSTT (> 10%), ETT (> 12%)
- weak in EPS (< 1%), PSN (< 8%)
Sign out- placenta
- term/preterm (__weeks) singleton/twin placenta, ___ g (__ percentile)
- __ vessel cord, mature chorionic villi
- no chorioamnionitis, decidual vasculopathy, funisitis, or villitis
- products of conception
- Immature/mature chorionic villi with degenerative changes and acute inflammation consistent with retained products of conception
- abortus
- Immature chorionic villi consistent with early second trimester gestation
- Acute chorionitis
- Three vessel umbilical cord with no funisitis identified
- Bacterial colonies in the membranes and umbilical cord (may be a secondary phenomenon occurring after fetal demise)
- retained products
- Necrotic, hemorrhagic and acutely inflamed decidua consistent with acute endometritis
- No retained chorionic villi identified
- Immature/mature chorionic villi with degenerative changes and acute inflammation consistent with retained products of conception