normocytic anemia
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Anemia with adequate reticulocytosisAnemia with inadequate reticulocytosis- aplastic anemia
- Fanconi anemia: pancytopenia
- PNH: decreased GPI proteins (CD55, 59)
- myelophthisic (infiltration, fibrosis): leukoerythroblastosis
- renal disease: low EPO
- pure red cell aplasia
- Diamond-Blackfan
- viral: parvovirus, hepatitis, EBV
- drugs
- transient erythroblastopenia of childhood
- ABO incompatible SCT
- autoimmune
- MDS, leukemia
- sideroblastic anemia
- dimorphic nml + microcytic hypochromic cells
- marrow erythroid hyperplasia
- ring sideroblasts