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Hemoglobins- HgA = A2B2
- HgF = A2Y2
- HbA2 = A2D2
- HbH = B4 = H-bodies
- Fessas body = A4
Methods- Screening: Alkaline electrophoresis
- Confirmatory: Acid electrophoresis
- Quantification: HPLC
Workup indications- FHx
- ethnicity (Medi, SE Asia, Africa)
- unexplained anemia, cyanosis, polycythemia
- antenatal screening
Normal- 98% A
- 2% A2
- 2nd trimester -> 1 year: 80% F
- 1st trimester: Gower1 -> Portland -> Gower2
Alpha thalassemia- caused by deletions, microcytic hypochromic anemia, normal RDW
- one gene deletion = AA/A- = silent
- 2 gene deletion = trait = AA/-- or A-/A- = asymptomatic, mild anemia, nml electrophoresis
- Hb Bart if at birth
- HbCS (slow band) if constant spring
- 3 gene deletion = A-/-- = hemolytic anemia, reticulocytosis, HbH
- 4 gene deletion = A0 = incompatible with life, Hb Barts (Y4), minor HbH (B4), HbPortland
Beta thalassemia- caused by point mutations
- minor: B0/B, asymptomatic
- trait: B+/B, asymptomatic
- intermedia: B+/B+, anemia, bone deformities, organomegaly, iron overload
- major (Cooley): B0/B0, transfusion dependent, bone, organomegaly, iron overload
S- Glu -> Val (GAG->GTG)
- trait: 40% S
- anemia: 90% S
C- Glu -> Lys
- trait: not anemic, has mild microcytosis, lots of targets, no xtals. C band is 35-40%
- disease: mild-mod anemia, microcytosis, lots of targets, occ xtals. C band is dominant, A is absent. F is 0-3%.
Other hemoglobinopathies- D, E = asymptomatic
- delta: defects in HbA2, can mask A2 elevation in beta thal trait
- gamma: decreased YG:YA ratio at birth
- delta-beta: mild except for epsi-Y-delta-beta thal, infants are transfusion dependent
- hereditary persistance of HbF: asymptomatic, normal cbc and smear