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Descriptive for portal fibrosis- portal: mild = a few portals, moderate = over half
- portal fibrosis with hepatocyte trapping
- periportal
- bridging
- cirrhosis: regenerative nodules surrounded by fibrosis
- macronodular: > 3 mm, seen in viral hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis
- micronodular: < 3 mm, seen in EtOH, AAT1, Wilson, hemochromatosis. But over time, turns into macronodular.
- fragmented specimens associated with cirrhosis, esp with fibrous caps
Descriptive for pericellular fibrosis- aka: perisinusoidal fibrosis
- seen in fatty liver disease
- CHF can also have zone 3 pericellular and central vein fibrosis
- mild = only apparent on trichrome
- moderate = can be seen on H&E
Fibrosis regression- perforated/disrupted delicate fibrous bridges
- isolated thick collagen bundles in lobules
- delicate spikes of fibrosis extending from portal tracts
- portal tract or central vein remnants (easier to see on trichrome)
- short and broad fibrous bridges/adhesions
Batts-Ludwig- Grade (chronic hepatitis)
- 0: none
- 1: portal - patchy inflammation. Lobular - minimal necrosis.
- 2: portal - mild inflammation, in some or all tracts. Lobular - mild hepatocellular damage
- 3: portal - moderate inflammation in all portal tracts. Lobular - noticeable hepatocellular damage
- 4: portal - severe inflammation, bridging necrosis. Lobular - diffuse hepatocellular damage
- Stage (fibrosis/cirrhosis)
- 0: none
- 1: portal fibrosis
- 2: periportal fibrosis, rare portal-portal septa
- 3: bridging fibrosis
- 4: cirrhosis (nodules)
Ddx- marked portal inflammation
- bridging necrosis that has had time for hepatocytes to drop out mimicks fibrosis on trichrome
- portal tract branch points (have vessels) vs true bridging fibrosis (no vessels, irregular)