DLBCL Hodgkin lymphoma
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NamesClinical- young men, 20-40
- site: large anterior mediastinal mass +/- supraclavicular node
Morphology- architecture: sheet like, fibrotic stroma
- cytology: pleomorphic, Reed-Sternberg like
- can have scattered eos, lymphs, histiocytes
- can have necrosis without PMNs
Immunophenotype- classical Hodgkin: CD15+, CD30+
- DLBCL: CD20+, CD45+
- other positives: PAX5, OCT2, BOB1
- background lymphs: predominantly CD4+
Specific patterns- morphology of nodular sclerosis HL, but CD20+, CD15-
- morphology of mediastinal large B lymphoma, but CD20-, CD15+ or EBV+