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  • Clinical

    • 25-30% of adult non-Hodgkins
    • median age 70s
    • association: immunodeficiency, EBV
  • Morphology variants

    • centroblastic: most common, multiple nucleoli
    • immunoblastic: single central nucleoli
    • anaplastic: really large and bizzare cells
    • rare variants
  • Subtype

    • germinal center type
      • CD10 > 30% or
      • BCL6+, MUM1-
    • non-germinal center type
  • Panel

    • B markers
    • CD10
    • BCL6
    • MUM1
    • Ki67
    • BCL2, cMyc (to identify double hit)
  • Molecular

    • 30% have 3q27 BCL6 abnormality
    • 20% have t(14;18) like follicular lymphoma
  • Signout

    • Diffuse large B cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified, see comment
    • Comment
      • The lymphoma has a *** germinal center immunophenotype
      • The Ki67 proliferation index is ***%, BCL2 stains ***% of the neoplastic cells, and c-Myc intensely stains approximately ***% of the neoplastic cells
    • Routine cytogenetic studies are pending